Friday, July 27, 2007

Human Compost

Well, a friend of mine works for this state org. that checks on all of the legality stuff when it comes to people dumping hazardous materials and such. He talked to me about how he found out you can actually by Human Compost. Well, to make a long story short we are going to go buy some and fill our yards with human excrement. Isn't that awesome? He says they have to do all kinds of stuff to it in order to make it legal to sell. So, the way I see it is, if he trusts it so do I. Could you imagine how much nutrients has to be in this stuff too?
My random thought for the day. Barry Bonds, if the guy has never said yes or no to the whole steroids thing nor has he come out to defend himself....I think is the first sign of guilt. Peace, have a good night...scratch is morning now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What an honor!!

I was checking in looking at some of the blogs I frequent and looking at my trivia game I started. Well, first I logged on to my trivia game to check it out and see who was actually playing it. To my suprise I had two visitors. Two that I never would have thought would have looked at it. It is cool to see that some people might actually check this blog out once in a blue moon.
Not only that, I looked at another friends blog and notice I got added to his blog list. What a feat. What a treat. What an honor. So, for those who think that nobody cares, just think again, there is those out there that actually read. If not, they at least like to play games!!
On a side note we got some bills today. Stupid us, we always thought that when you have a baby they are covered under the mothers insurance for the 1st 30 days at least. Well, they a way. What they never said is once you get them on an insurance plan, you have to go back and make up for those 30+ days and pay for them. So our next insurance bill just doubled!! FUN! NOT!! Oh, here is the other clincher, we just got our hospital bill today. They said we had prepaid for everything except for the epideral (sp?) or as my brother calls it the "happy shot". But, to our dismay, we got a 2 page bill that told us all of the little things we got billed for up to the ibuproferin. It is ridiculous what they charge you for. I have learned a lesson though. Next child, make sure to ask before you just nod and say, "sure" when they ask if you want something. Well, I need to sit down off my soapbox for now. So, have a wonderful day, night, evening, morning, whatever it is when you read this.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

3:12 AM

Well, I am still awake. I was reading a friends blog and saw this cool site he added. So, I decided to copy myself. It is a trivia website. Fell free to join and play. It is thislarson family trivia. I also put a link on the side page.


Well, it is late or should I say, early. It is time to hit the sack. I just thought I would throw up a quick post and say, nothing new happening here. Same 'ol, same 'ol. I hear the little one stirring here and there. But, my "shift" is almost over. I can feel the pillow now. So, adios, and manana.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sad Day

I was messing around on the computer earlier. Playing Spider Solitare. I am addicted. My wife comes in and says she found one of our co..ex-coworkers blogs. So, I proceeded to check it out. It is sad to read because he is a coach. Well, our head coach got canned this last year and a new one has come in and cleaned house. By this I mean, brought in his own, "yes men". It is sad because he was one of those let go. I just started teaching at this new school this last year and got to know some great people. What makes it worse is I worked in the Social Studies dept. Which in case you forgot from your high school days a great percentage of those teachers are coaches. So, 75% of these people I speak of that I met are no longer employed at my school. So, what does this mean? I have to start all over and make new friends. I think I should make it a rule. Don't make friends with coaches, they just end up leaving sooner or later. Man, did that sound like a girl or what? Didn't mean to, it is just the truth.
On a lighter note. My grandmother gave me this ham the other day. So, last night as I was up with the little one around 1 in the morning I decided to throw that ham in the crock pot. I let it cook for about 10 hours. Man, when I pulled it out for lunch, it was almost impossible to cut. It just kept falling apart. MAN WAS IT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, have you heard the newest sports scandal? The NBA ref who supposedly fixed games and bet on them? This is huge!
You know what really eats the way, I am really being random in my thoughts today. Do you ever go to the gas station after the prices have been eeking up a little and it finally either goes down a little or you just decide, hey I better fill up before it shoots up more. Then, the next day you see the price droppes signigicantly? It always happens to me.
Anyway, I think I should go now. We have and episode of Dead Zone, 4400, The Closer and much much more to watch. See you soon....

It has happened.

Well, it has happened. She (the baby)prefers the Mrs. I was probably up for half an hour, rocking, burping, changing diapers, feeding, holding. Nothing worked, she just screamed bloody murder!! Until, I finally woke my wife up and said, I don't know what else to do. She gets up and what do you know, baby is hunky dory now. I am already hated by my 3 week old baby!!!
So, I was reading my brothers blog just about 5 minutes ago and he talked about something that really hit home with me. He talked about those ads that some cable stations are notorious for during tv shows. You know those that take up the bottom portion of your screen. Especially, those with sound. It was funny because my wife and I were just talking about that earlier today. We were watching, "Flip the House" on one of those do it yourself channels. Any way, they were showing the landscaping this guy and his wife did to this house they were flipping in the 1 million dollar price range. Well, right when they were showing the pre and post pictures this add for some other reality show comes on with hot rods driving across the screen, so we didn't get to see a thing!!! It makes me so mad!! You would think that even some of the shows that air on these channels would be up in arms about it? Well, I guess if that is up on my complain list then things aren't to bad. Enjoy the rest of the week and upcoming weekend.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I noticed a comment that my bro wrote on one of my last posts. He said, "that is the calm before the storm", by this he was referrering to the post. I said that the baby has finally started to make a turn and sleep real nice etc... Well, I don't know what happened ever since we got back from seing the newest addition to his family. Our girl, has gone on a rampage. I say this as she sleeps quietly. It seems that she is a bottomless pit, she can't seem to eat enough, or be held enough. The holding part I thank Nana for this. She held her almost 24/7 this last weekend. Now it seems she has to be held in order for her to go to sleep. NOT COOL!!! It is almost like we took 3 steps forward since she was born and over the weekend to 10 back!! I think the BIG GUY upstairs is trying to teach me something called, "patience". In time I am sure she will get better........I hope.
So, on a lighter note, what do you think about all of this Barry Bonds stuff? Will he break the record this year? Some might say that is a stupid question, as of today he only needs 4 more HR's and there is like 70 games left in the season. But, he has gone 0-21 and lately has played as a pinch hitter.
Or how 'bout this. Texas I notice in a lot of polls is preseason #2. Is this legit, is Colt the "Real McCoy", was it only a "sophmore slump" for Jamaal Charles, is Texas falling apart with its athletes who can't seem to stay out of trouble? What is your take on those Orangebloods?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Go Time Again

Well, I am sitting on the other side of the wait now. My brother called at about 6:30 this morning. I was sleeping so good too. And better yet, so was the baby. But, speaking of babies....that gets me back to the reason I posted today. My brother called this morning, and said, "it's go time". So, of course, we had no clean clothes, the baby was sound asleep, it was pouring down rain, and we flat out weren't ready. Two hours later we are on the road. It rained right when we got into the traffic but thankfully quit when we actually had to get up on the overpasses.
So, we wait, ever so patiently. I tell you what, it is soooooooo nice having Nana around though, because of course she wants to hold her all the time. So, needless to say that is why I actually get to sit here and write this. It was awesome though, on the way here. Our baby girl, the gem that she is, slept the whole way here!!!
My brother is giving me slack about the baby, so now it is pay back!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

All is Quiet

I think we might have hit a turning point. The baby has decided that changing diapers isn't something she has to cry about every time. And, she slept well, how does the term go, "like a baby" through the night. She of course had her moments of "feeding" time but, she went right back to sleep after that. AMAZING!!!
One thing I miss though, (change of subject) is swinging the
'ol golf club around. I think I might have to visit the driving range here pretty soon. I was supposed to go with a friend from work sometime this summer. I just obviously haven't had time. I also need to go before school starts and we have the baby on insurance and daycare!! That is going to rock our world!
Well, I think a couple of friends other than my bro has this blog address to check out. So, maybe it won't just be an update for my brother to know what has been going on or not going on for that matter in "thislarsonfamily".
We finally got some pictures developed off of our camera the other day. $60 bucks worth. And most were just singles. We have on of those 1gb disks. I think there is something like 1000+ pictures on it. We just never make ourself stay up to date with them.
Hey, have ya'll heard about Oklahoma! They have to forfeit their entire '05 season!! HA HA HA. That is just too bad. Well, I am finding myself rambling again so, goodbye.

Monday, July 9, 2007


Well, we had a rain shower on Saturday and I thought to check a leak we had in our roof. The roofer guy was here a week or so ago and "fixed" it. Well, you know how that goes. So, I guess I have to call the builder again and gripe again. Thought I would write a short post here while the women sleep(wife and baby). I think they had a long night last night. I was up till 1:30 or so, and I threw in the towel.
My brother let me borrow his pressure washer probably a little over a month now. I was going to wash my fence and deck. Well, I washed my driveway, sidewalk and fence and the rains came. I have not had a chance to finish and wash my deck until yesterday. We finally had a lull and I had time to sneak out and mow and wash the deck. Well, most of the deck. I didn't finish but I should today. Then I can treat it and enjoy my deck again!!! Oh, and I can take the washer back to my brother not that he needs it anyway soon, with his baby on the way and all!!
I am really bummed. I waited for what felt like eons for a Best Buy to show up in town. Well it is finally here but, I now have a baby and no money to shop!! Oh well, I guess that is one of those life things. Anyway, I am just rambling now so, I am done....for now.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm Back

Well, I know it has been awhile since I posted. I have been a little pre-occupied with a poop/crying machine, some might recognize as a baby. She has made our summer just start to fly by. Today, she is one week old. It is really amazing just in a week to think, man she has already grown some. We also, emptied our diaper genie II today for the first time. I even got to polyurethane the rocking chair I have been working on for weeks now. I figured I should put a coat on while I had the chance today. There was actually a lull in the rain for a bit this morning. But, I did go out and work on my back door some. With the house being new a year+ ago now it is starting to do some settling and the door is sometimes....scratch that...always hard to open. So, I tried a trick I saw from my good buddy Tom Silva. (not really my buddy, but a guy can dream right.) I did see him do this on an episode of "Ask this Old House," once though. I took a piece of cardboard and put it behind one of the hinges that screwed into the door to raise the bottom of the door some. It doesn't snag where it used to but, now it pushed the door out a little far. Isn't it funny how on TV they make things look so easy? Well, we await the phone call from my brother, he and his wife are having a baby too as I think I stated that in an earlier post. Well, anywho, it will be our babies first long trip. She did make a trip the other day which was also her first trip shopping. I think she did great. Actually, she did better than her mother who I don't think was quite ready to walk around that much.
Well, I hear the little one waking up from one of her many naps. See you soon....