Friday, July 27, 2007

Human Compost

Well, a friend of mine works for this state org. that checks on all of the legality stuff when it comes to people dumping hazardous materials and such. He talked to me about how he found out you can actually by Human Compost. Well, to make a long story short we are going to go buy some and fill our yards with human excrement. Isn't that awesome? He says they have to do all kinds of stuff to it in order to make it legal to sell. So, the way I see it is, if he trusts it so do I. Could you imagine how much nutrients has to be in this stuff too?
My random thought for the day. Barry Bonds, if the guy has never said yes or no to the whole steroids thing nor has he come out to defend himself....I think is the first sign of guilt. Peace, have a good night...scratch is morning now.

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