Sunday, February 3, 2008

Did you think I forgot?

I know it has been a long time since I posted. But, sometimes good things are worth waiting for right? Well, any who, the little one is now 7 months old. She is sitting up, clapping her hands, picking up anything within reach, she says da da, and of course makes those wonderful farting noises with her mouth. She also, loves to pet the dog, it seems to always make her giddy. So, is she crawling? NO! She just does not want to. Here's the deal, if we put her on her stomach she just turns right over on her back. She doesn't like her stomach(laying on it). We really think that is the cause for this lack of crawling. But, the doctor made the comment that she is one of the most observant and alert babies he has ever seen. I mean she watches everything. She will follow you as you walk through a room, she watches you hands as you do things, like pick up a glass, eat, change the tv stations, just normal everyday stuff she is so interested. I really think she is going to have good hand-eye coordination. That will help when she is playing some D-I sport in college. HA HA.
The weather here won't make up its mind. The other day it was in the teens, now you could probably wear shorts if it weren't for the 20 MPH wind that has blown in any and every allergy you could think of. Our baby just got over pink eye, and we think she is working on probably her 4th-5th ear infection since she was born. I think she is going to be a prime candidate for those tubes they put in ears for things like that. Our neice had those and seems to be fine. I just don't like the idea of her having to have surgery at such a young age.
What is with ear infections now a days. I don't remember that ever being an issue when I was little. It has to be all of this artificial crap they put in products now. Maybe it is all of that lead in what seems to be in every toy made, since they all come from China any way. If they keep doing things like that, open up shop here, and just bleed them dry. If we would do some stuff ourselves in America then that would hurt other economies and force them to raise their standards. But, what do I know. I don't where a suit and come from a wealthy family that has everything handed to me, and take money from dirty lobbyists. (sorry that was my "Rant" for the day.)
Sad day, a democrat(not saying I am republican, just not a fan of the 2 dems that are left) will more than likely win the presidential race, and the only two are mud throwing brats. It is going to be a scary next 4 years. A woman or a civil rights lawyer (that will be great, while we have thousands pooring over from Mexico.) God help us all, not just the United States but, everyone, since every other country seems to depend on us. The wonderful United States, the country that others despise, especially if we ever treated anyone the way that their country treats each other.(ex: Guantanamo, getting info from prisoners). No, lets give them cable tv and cigarettes and work out equipment and a balanced meal, and air conditioning, while our troops that didn't do anything wrong sleep in tents in the desert. But if we stuck prisoners out in the desert in a tent that would be inhumane to stick a convicted felon out in the hot sun. (Sorry again I am "ranting".)
Well, have a great day and enjoy the game tonight.

1 comment:

Joice Family said...

Good to hear things are going well with the exception of ear infections and need to post a new pic of the little princess. Start preparing for the crawling, especially with the dog and all it's hair. Just wait!!! You will soon wonder how she found some of the things she will pick up! How is the job going now that 1st semester is behind you?

Wendy :)